Did you ever think of a keyboard as fun? A keyboard that gives you faster writing experience! A keyboard that has artificial intelligence? Well if you are still thinking then you can carry on with me and find out the answer. What if you have a keyboard that reads you? Yes, it is possible now with the help of a tremendous keyboard name “SwiftKeyboard” and I am here to tell you the complete story. Alright let’s get into deeper look.
Just to notify you, a Tablet like Google Nexus 7 comes with SwiftKeyboard as built-in feature. Can you guess why they are choosing SwiftKeyboard? The reason is that it’s the best keyboard ever made for android. Okay you may think how can I be so confident. Well I have proof to show you. Let’s consider a few things before we start. As a user we demand three things before using an app.
(a) User Interface
(b) Algorithm
(c) Usability.
First let’s talk about User Interface. SwiftKeyboard has an awesome User Interface to interact with user. It’s multifunctional user interface lets the user make better impressions. SwiftKeyboard is able to understand not just the patterns you’re typing, but also how words work together. SwiftKeyboard can continue to learn from SMS, your email and even social media accounts (if enabled), so it gets better at making predictions as you type. Now let’s take a look to the features of SwiftKeyboard.
Notable Features of SwiftKeyboard:
(a) Available in 49 language
(b) Have 14 Themes.
(c) Intelligently predict words.
(d) Three different keyboard positioning.
(e) Lots of Emoticons
Secondly, It has a perfect algorithm designed for you. It runs perfectly on android Tablet. Probably the best algorithm designed. Finally, Luxury usability: It makes user feel special. It’s UI, Flow of typing makes you experienced. Now let’s make a comparison among SwiftKeyboard, Google Keyboard, and Swype. We looked at the features of SwiftKeyboard now lets make a comparison with Google Keyboard. You may be bored using the android built-in keyboard. If you look at SwiftKeyboard you will find that it’s better than Google Keyboard.
Google keyboard has antique design whereas SwiftKeyboard has a tremendous design. The color and the shade of buttons are designed flawlessly. When you type on Google Keyboard you hardly see its intelligence but when you type in SwiftKeyboard you see a special artificial intelligence speeding up your typing speed. So SwiftKeyboard wins in terms of User Interface and Usability. Now let’s compare with Swype. Swype is considered as one the best keyboard for android but its user interface doesn’t look professional whereas you get a professional feeling from SwiftKeyboard. So there is no keyboard give you a perfect user experience that SwiftKeyboard can provide. So why not to grab it? Get it and Be smart.
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